Eurostudium3w 2024-03-02T14:19:39+00:00 Editorial Staff Open Journal Systems <p>EuroStudium3w è una rivista semestrale, fondata nel 2006 da Francesco Gui, pubblicata da Sapienza Università Editrice ed edita presso il Dipartimento SARAS, alla quale collaborano, tanto sul piano scientifico che editoriale, studiosi di diversi paesi europei. La rivista, peer reviewed e open access, vuole contribuire a una maggiore consapevolezza, in una prospettiva storica, delle molteplici vicende, delle affinità e degli elementi di differenziazione che hanno segnato e che caratterizzano i popoli e gli Stati europei, in particolare quelli che compongono l’attuale Unione, anche al fine di approfondire la consapevolezza della comunanza e delle diversità in un contesto istituzionale avviato nel secondo dopoguerra. Si offrono ricerche, riflessioni e approfondimenti tanto di breve che di medio e lungo periodo, dal Medioevo all’età contemporanea, con particolare attenzione agli itinerari storici che hanno condotto ai processi di integrazione su scala sovranazionale e al costituirsi di reti continentali e transnazionali. Nel contesto, uno specifico interesse è rivolto alla cultura del federalismo e viene valorizzata l’interdisciplinarità nella ricerca storica, nell’uso delle fonti e nell’interpretazione dei codici comunicativi. La rivista propone saggi e articoli sia in italiano che in altre lingue europee con abstract in inglese e nella lingua del testo.</p> The suspended Republic. Italy and United States during the Cold War 2024-03-02T12:39:46+00:00 Umberto Gentiloni Silveri <p>Between the end of the Second World War and 1989, the Cold War both circumscribed Italian political life and left a deep mark upon it. The stand-off between East and West cut across boundaries and natural affiliations; it determined political relationships, and created political leaders. Two opposing but equally misleading points of view of the so-called <em>Prima Repubblica</em> have often been proposed. One is that Italy had limited sovereignty and its main political actors followed decisions taken in Moscow or Washington; the other is that Italy plowed a completely independent furrow. This latter view is sometimes expressed in terms of Italian exceptionality and uniqueness, as if Italian political affairs were incomparable and quite unlike those of other countries.</p> <p>More recent scholarship, which has been able to draw on new sources, has emphasized interconnectedness, arguing that for all its peculiarities, recent Italian history is best understood in the general context of the Cold War. External influences and internal factors are no longer seen as two diametrically opposed and incompatible elements but, rather, as both belonging to the one historical process. Many historians are now pointing to the central importance of the 1970s in their research, noting that the decade offers a particularly rich source of information, and provides an excellent vantage point from which to consider the preceding and subsequent years. In that crucial decade, previously solid bonds began to unravel, models began to creak and identities began to dissolve as the post-war equilibrium came to an end. It was a period that saw the twilight of the old order and the start of a new and difficult type of confrontation. In those years, the relationship between Italy and the United States was characterized by intense discussion of the potential fall-out for other western nations of an Italian economic and political crisis. The debate polarized positions both within the domestic world of Italian politics and among the different tendencies that existed inside the Us Administration.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w Notes on Global Britain and xenophobic nationalism 2024-03-02T12:47:56+00:00 Andrea Mammone <p>Brexit is surely the most dramatic event in the history of European integration as well as in contemporary European Union politics. This article highlights some of its most important aspects. Firstly, it suggests how some of the Conservatives’ rhetoric on this “necessary exit” from the European Union was based on the myth that the country is a global force – Global Britain – with a global (imperial) past as well as global ambitions. Given this, the natural consequence was to leave the EU. Secondly, Brexit unambiguously concealed a form of xenophobic nationalism which favoured the populist narrative and the subsequent Eurosceptic vote. Moreover, as the article shows, the mainstream political establishment popularised anti-European xenophobia well before the Brexit referendum.&nbsp;</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w Politica ed economia. Amintore Fanfani ministro dell’Agricoltura (1951-1953) 2024-03-02T13:32:10+00:00 Emanuele Bernardi Luigi Scoppola Iacopini <p>The role played by Amintore Fanfani as Minister of Agriculture in the VII De Gasperi Government has rarely been touched upon by historiography. Based on largely Italian and foreign unpublished sources, the essay traces Fanfani’s thoughts and actions on both a national and international level, highlighting in particular the complexities of the process of European agricultural integration (Green Pool) and the reasons for the resistance exercised by the Italian side, despite the convinced Europeanism of Alcide De Gasperi.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w Per un’Europa «as a whole». Il percorso politico e intellettuale di Mary Saran, dall’internazionalismo socialista al federalismo europeo 2024-03-02T14:01:52+00:00 Giulia Vassallo <p>This article aims to be part of that strand of studies investigating the connections between the pro-Europeanist groups of the Resistance and devoted to identifying the reciprocal influences and specific contributions to federalist debate and planning offered both as groups and individually. In such framework, special attention is paid to the figure of Mary Saran, who, in addition to representing a prominent figure in the history of democratic socialism on the female side, especially as secretary of the International Council of Social Democratic Women (ICSDW), distinguished herself for her active commitment to anti-fascist struggle, lavished as much in her native Germany as in the years of her London exile, and for her contribution to pro-Europeanist reflection in the 1930s-40s. Concerning the last issue,which represents the key element of this essay and which at the same time constitutes an aspect still little investigated by scholars, Saran, especially as the editor of the influentmonthly magazine "Socialist Commentary," was the author of two pamphlets of certain relevance European Revolution. How to Win the Peace? (1941) and The Future Europe. Power of Politics? (1943), that can be considered of great interest in enriching the historiographical debate around the reality and complexity of European federalism in the 1940s. The research was conducted with the help of the documentation on Mary Saran available at the Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis in Amsterdam.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w Solidarietà e politica a Firenze nel Quattrocento. Qualche osservazione sul Monte delle Doti 2024-03-02T13:09:19+00:00 Eleonora Plebani <p>Social solidarity in 15th-century Florence also rested on the activities of the Dowry Fund, a financial institution founded to supportmarriage policies and encourage social mobility. The characteristics of the Dowry Fund have been extensively analysed from a demographic, anthropological and gender history standpoint, with few surveys on their political implications. The article therefore aims at proposing some reflections on the relevance of the Dowry Fund for the Florentine government in the pre-Medicean age and in the decades of the hegemony of theMedici’s first generations.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w M. Pellegrini, Savonarola. Profezia e martirio nell’età delle guerre d’Italia, Roma Salerno 2020, 367 pp. 2024-03-02T12:58:45+00:00 Giovanni Contel 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w