Staffemanuele.bernardi@uniroma1.itOpen Journal Systems<p>EuroStudium3w è una rivista semestrale, fondata nel 2006 da Francesco Gui, pubblicata da Sapienza Università Editrice ed edita presso il Dipartimento SARAS, alla quale collaborano, tanto sul piano scientifico che editoriale, studiosi di diversi paesi europei. La rivista, peer reviewed e open access, vuole contribuire a una maggiore consapevolezza, in una prospettiva storica, delle molteplici vicende, delle affinità e degli elementi di differenziazione che hanno segnato e che caratterizzano i popoli e gli Stati europei, in particolare quelli che compongono l’attuale Unione, anche al fine di approfondire la consapevolezza della comunanza e delle diversità in un contesto istituzionale avviato nel secondo dopoguerra. Si offrono ricerche, riflessioni e approfondimenti tanto di breve che di medio e lungo periodo, dal Medioevo all’età contemporanea, con particolare attenzione agli itinerari storici che hanno condotto ai processi di integrazione su scala sovranazionale e al costituirsi di reti continentali e transnazionali. Nel contesto, uno specifico interesse è rivolto alla cultura del federalismo e viene valorizzata l’interdisciplinarità nella ricerca storica, nell’uso delle fonti e nell’interpretazione dei codici comunicativi. La rivista propone saggi e articoli sia in italiano che in altre lingue europee con abstract in inglese e nella lingua del testo.</p> di Minoranze tra Italia e contesto globale (XIV-XX secolo): nuove esperienze di ricerca2024-08-06T15:21:18+00:00Beatrice<p>Resoconto delle due giornate di seminari tenutesi il 7 e 8 febbraio 2024 presso l’aula seminari Elena Brambilla dell’Università degli Studi di Milano </p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w fatiche e le speranze dell’Europa. Le battaglie di David Sassoli 2024-08-06T15:42:52+00:00Giulia<p>Si propone qui un resoconto dell'incontro che si è tenuto presso l'Università La Sapienza di Roma il 21 febbraio 2024, dedicato alla figura di David Sassoli e al suo impegno per l'Europa</p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w su un’isola. Esuli a Malta nella prima metà dell’Ottocento2024-08-06T15:51:58+00:00Chiara Maria<p>During the long Italian Risorgimento, the archipelago of Malta became the favorite asylum of several exiles from the Italian peninsula. The geographical proximity and the vocation to maritime trade of the island, the substantial tolerance of the British government towards immigration, and the use of Italian as the language of the culture were decisive reasons why the conspirators chose it as a refuge. In particular, in the early 1800s and the aftermath of the liberal revolutions of the 1820s poets and writers reached the island which became a place of literary and political experimentation.</p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w e Gran Bretagna verso l’intesa mediterranea del 18872024-08-06T15:57:42+00:00Alessio<p>In the wake of the historiography dedicated to the Mediterranean agreements reached by Italy between the second half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, the contribution aimed to bring to light the meticulous diplomatic action that the Robilant ministry implemented in London to strengthen Italy's position in the Mediterranean and in the Triple Alliance. The script suggests that the dialogue with the British power was characterized by a dense exchange of opinions, which often proved to be very similar and cordial, testifying to the perpetuation of the friendship that traditionally linked the two countries. The Mediterranean Entente quickly reached in February 1887 gave further proof of this friendship and allowed Italy to benefit from it by guaranteeing it a role of primary importance in the new system of alliances that was being formed, becoming the irreplaceable pivot of the link between Berlin, Vienna and London.</p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w sindacalismo “bianco” nella crisi dell’Italia liberale2024-08-06T16:03:35+00:00Federico<p>This study contributes to the field of trade union studies within the context of crisis in liberal Italy. Specifically, it aims to explore the experience of “white” trade unionism from the early 20th century up to the factory occupations in September 1920. The investigation begins with the evolution of mutual aid societies, which failed to adapt to the structural changes in the capital-labor relationship brought about by industrialization. The stark differences between the old and new economies became particularly evident during the factory occupations, marking a pivotal point for analyzing two critical aspects: the evolution of Christian social thought amidst peak tensions between workers and companies in liberal Italy, and the internal dynamics within the newly founded Italian Confederation of Workers (Cil). A comparative analysis of the Catholic-inspired trade union and the Italian People’s Party enriches the discussion, which is further supplemented by examining the editorial stance of the Catholic periodical «Il momento» of Turin. The analysis elucidates the actions of the ‘white’ trade organization, the National Union of Metalworkers (Snom), highlighting its significant impact on the labor disputes of 1920, which extended well beyond its numerical representation among organized workers.</p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w’ “indimenticabile” 1956 e la sinistra italiana. Il dibattito socialista tra centro e periferia2024-08-06T16:12:01+00:00Emiliano Di<p>This essay examines the internal debate within the Italian Socialist Party (Psi) in 1956, a crucial year for both Italian and international politics. Through detailed analysis, the work compares the discussions taking place at the party's top levels with those occurring at its grassroots. The year 1956 was marked by significant events such as de-Stalinization and the Hungarian Revolution, which profoundly impacted the internal dynamics of the entire Italian left. At the top of the Socialist Party, leaders were divided between loyalty to united action with the communists and the necessity of giving socialism a new political dimension. Meanwhile, at the grassroots level, party members, voters, and local leaders expressed practical and ideological concerns, often reflecting the daily tensions within the Italian left at the time. This essay, based on newspaper articles, party documents, and letters from the Psi's grassroots, seeks to provide a comprehensive view of the differences and similarities between the positions of the party's central leadership and its grassroots, contributing to a more complete understanding of the internal dynamics of this party during one of the most tumultuous periods in its history.</p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w' Italia e gli Stati Uniti nel 1977. Gli incontri fra Giulio Andreotti e Jimmy Carter (26-27 luglio). Documenti2024-08-06T16:21:10+00:00Emanuele<p>L'articolo propone una selezione di documenti provenienti dal fondo Andreotti, conservato presso l'Istituto Storico Luigi Sturzo di Roma, relativi agli incontri tenutisi fra il presidente del Consiglio Giulio Andreotti e il presidente degli Stati Uniti Jimmy Carter a Washington, il 26 e il 27 luglio del 1977.</p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eurostudium3w