Kontemplation und Kosmologie in De otio 5


  • Bardo Maria Gauly Katholische Universitaet Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Germany



Parole chiave:

Seneca, De otio, cosmology, contemplation, dialogue, politics, stoicism


In the fifth chapter of his treatise De otio Seneca tries to establish that not only political action but contemplation as well meets the Stoic notion of what man should seek to do. Our reading of the text adresses three subjects: 1. Possible references to contemporary politics: The chapter does not suggest an autobiographical interpretation; nevertheless, it can be read to refer to current discourses (e.g. the limits of knowledge). 2. Cosmology as subject of contemplation: Neither in De otio nor in Seneca’s other works the position of cosmology within philosophy is clearly circumscribed. Sometimes cosmology is thought to be preparing and supporting moral progress, sometimes it is said to be of an autonomous value. 3. Philosophy for posterity: In De otio and other Senecan treatises, it is especially cosmological reasoning that is bound to be of use for generations to come and to ponder possible future progress of knowledge.




Come citare

Gauly, B. M. (2024). Kontemplation und Kosmologie in De otio 5. Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 4, 177–194. https://doi.org/10.13133/2785-2849/3006



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