L'Italia e la Repubblica Federale di Germania in cammino verso l'unione economica e monetaria europea


  • F. BRUNI
  • M. MONTI



Parole chiave:

Italy, Germany, EMU, economic convergence


The road towards an economic and monetary union in Europe has a long history, in which an important step was madeten years ago, with the establishment of the European Monetary System. Within it Germany and Italy have thus far been on two opposite sides, the "strong" one and the "weak" one. Cooperation should lead to a convergence among these sides, making the conditions and the behaviour of the member states of the system more homogenous. The present work summarises the Italo-German experience within the EMS to date, trying to show the level and the kind of convergence that has occurred in recent years.


 JEL Codes: F15


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