Capitalismo, socialismo e democrazia e le grandi imprese




Parole chiave:

Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, Economies of scale


The work takes issue with Schumpeter’s Capitalism, socialism and democracy, reviewing it in light of the recent historical evidence. The main thesis of Schumpeter’s book is that widespread concentration processes in modern capitalism, arising from static and dynamic economies of scale, are among the most important phenomena for economic development. As it is well known, Schumpeter believed that capitalism cannot survive and that socialism may work. The author, however, points out that Schumpeter’s view was highly influenced by the phenomena that took place between the second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth. However, more recent evidence suggests radical changes in the innovation and competition processes of capitalism.


JEL Codes: P51, L13, B13


Riferimenti bibliografici

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