La "nuova economia della conoscenza e dell'informazione" e l'"economia di Internet": un'introduzione (The 'New Economics of Knowledge and Information' and 'Internet Economics': An Introduction)


  • Alessandro Roncaglia
  • Gino Roncaglia


Parole chiave:

Information, Internet Economics, Knowledge, Technologies


The paper presents a group of articles, published in the same issue of Moneta e Credito or accepted for publication in subsequent issues, dealing with different aspects of the "new economics of knowledge and information" and with "Internet economics". It also surveys the economic aspects of the new information and communication technologies, considering them as a Schumpeterian "epoch-making innovation" (and suggesting that Internet could be considered as a new, separate, epoch-making innovation). Attention is drawn to the issue of market forms likely to prevail in the field ofInternet services, on the inapplicability of the traditional theory of competitive equilibrium, and on the dynamic kind of competition based on technological change prevailing in the sector, likely to foster some sort of unstable oligopolistic behaviour.       



JEL Codes: L86, D83, L96, O33

Keywords: Information, Internet Economics, Knowledge, Technologies

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