The history of the Oxford challenge to marginalism, 1934-1952
Research, Microeconomics, Neoclassical economics, Henderson, HubertAbstract
Economist Hubert Henderson founded Oxford University's Economics Research Group (OERG). The OERG had a history of contesting neoclassical cost and pricing theory as articulated by P.W.S. Andrews, beginning when Hubert Henderson started relying on experiments instead of established data. Henderson and the OERG members were surprised that businessmen disregarded the marginalist model of pricing. Marginalism remains a valid economic theory to this day.
JEL: B20
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Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
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much concerned with the larger picture of a non-neoclassical theory
of prices, but with particular facets of the doctrine. P. Sylos Labini
(1962) and H.R. Edwards (1962) dealt with the determination of the
costing margin, while W.]. Eiteman (1949) and ].B. Williams (1967)
dealt with the questions of sequential production, firm reproduction
and firm growth. In addition, R. Robinson (1961 and 1978) and G.B.
Richardson (1960, 1965 and 1967) analyzed the role of socialtules
and social institutions on the determination of the normal cost market
price. The outcome of both lines of development resulted in a
well-developed doctrine of normal cost prices which was quite dlfferent
from the myth propagated by neoclassical economists and
found in price theory textbooks (Lee, 1984; Lee, et al., 1986).
These subsequent theoretical developments of the full cost princlple
and Andrews' theory of manufacturing business suggest that the
initial optimism regarding the anti-marginalist features of full cost and
normal cost pricing procedures was justified. The Oxford challenge
should be looked at again, but this time with a mind not biased by an
implicit assumption that any new idea has to be reframed in terms of
the neoclassical paradigm, If it is to be acceptd.
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro The History oE thc Oxford Challange to Marginalism, 1934·1952 511
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