The transition economies, the Intergovernmental Conference, and the European Union





Analysis, European Union, European federation


The EU intergovernmental conference (IGC) that opened in Turin, Italy, on 29 March 1996 is expected to last at least a year. The author examines the crucial factors that underpin the IGC and its central focus on governance issues seen against the perceived need to enlarge the EU by up to twelve new candidates. The conflicts inherent in 'deepening' integration while pursuing a widening of membership are discussed, together with the particular dilemmas that arise with the inclusion in the EU of Eastern European countries.


JEL Codes: F10, F15


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How to Cite

VAN BRABANT J.M., J. (2013). The transition economies, the Intergovernmental Conference, and the European Union. PSL Quarterly Review, 49(198).


