Adding new “Perspectives” to our debate
economics publishing, diversity, pluralismAbstract
The short note introduces the new issue of the Review. With this issue the journal is launching a new section, “Perspectives”, collecting contributions about topics and areas that receive insufficient attention on mainstream economics journals. These may concern replication analyses, or investigations that – although possibly of a less innovative and original character than other articles – focus on geographical regions often neglected in other journals.
JEL codes: A11, A14, B50
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Mueller-Langer F., Fecher B., Harhoff D., Wagner G.G. (2019), “Replication studies in economics—How many and which papers are chosen for replication, and why?”, Research Policy, 48 (1), pp. 62-83.
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Vessuri H., Guédon J.C., Cetto A.M. (2014), “Excellence or quality? Impact of the current competition regime on science and scientific publishing in Latin America and its implications for development”, Current Sociology, 62 (5), pp. 647-665.
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