The Age of Fragmentation by Alessandro Roncaglia: A Review Article


  • A.P. Thirlwall University of Kent (UK)



economic thought, fragmentation of economics


This article gives a thorough critical review of Alessandro Roncaglia’s latest book The Age of Fragmentation: A History of Contemporary Economic Thought. The volume covers the antecedents of modern economics – the ideas of Wicksell, Keynes and Schumpeter in particular – followed by the post-war 2 ‘revolutions’ in microeconomics, macroeconomics and applied economics, including econometrics. Heterodox views of post-Keynesian economics; Marxism; institutional and evolutionary economics; post-utilitarian theorists; ethics, and welfare are also considered.

JEL codes: B1, B2, B3, B5


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How to Cite

Thirlwall, A. (2021). The Age of Fragmentation by Alessandro Roncaglia: A Review Article. PSL Quarterly Review, 73(295), 343–365.



Book review article