When mainstream economics does human resource management : a critique of personnel economics’ prescriptive ambition


  • Franck BAILLY Université de Rouen




labour economics, personnel economics, heterodox economics, discussion of HRM decisions, prescription, imperialism


Under the impetus of Edward Lazear, personnel economics has established itself as a particularly dynamic area of mainstream labour economics. It aspires to provide the best solutions to the practical problems that human resource managers encounter. The following paper aims to do the following: summarize the criticisms of personnel economics made from the perspective of heterodox economics, add a new criticism, and show how these criticisms, taken together, lead us to conclude that modes of labour management are legitimate subjects of debate, contrary to Lazear’s beliefs.


JEL codes: B52, D21, J01, M12, M54



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How to Cite

BAILLY, F. (2022). When mainstream economics does human resource management : a critique of personnel economics’ prescriptive ambition . PSL Quarterly Review, 75(301), 103–117. https://doi.org/10.13133/2037-3643/17639


