Structural analysis of the rise and stagnation of labour productivity in Argentina (2004-2019): A growing subsystems approach


  • Hernan Alejandro Roitbarg Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Litoral (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research - National University of the Litoral)
  • Francisco Leiva Study Center - Santa Fe Board of Trade
  • Joaquin Lucero National University of the Litoral



Stagnation, Productivity, Subsystems, Argentina


This article aims to examine the recent rise and fall of productivity in Argentina through a subsystems approach. Specifically, indicators based on hyper vertically integrated (HVI) sectors for Argentina are developed using OECD Input-Output Tables. The analysis spans the period 2004-2019, harmonizing activities across 36 sectors. The results confirm, on the one hand, that productivity growth in the 2004-2011 period was due to improved macroeconomic conditions. On the other hand, they show a declining trend in productivity from 2010 onwards, highlighting the significance of a concentrated pattern of technical change and evidence of disinvestment in direct and indirect labour, and, to a lesser extent, demand composition, attributable to the growing importance of services.



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How to Cite

Roitbarg, H. A., Leiva, F., & Lucero, J. (2024). Structural analysis of the rise and stagnation of labour productivity in Argentina (2004-2019): A growing subsystems approach. PSL Quarterly Review, 77(309), 195–230.



Special issue on the Solow-Pasinetti debate on productivity measurement