Society matters: A post-Keynesian approach to economic development


  • Pablo Marmissolle Universitat de València (Spain) and Universidad de la República, Montevideo



methodological individualism, microfoundations, economic development, demand-led growth


This paper discusses methodological individualism and the perceived “need” for microfoundations in economic theory. It argues that the persistent focus on microfoundations has led a large part of the field to overlook the complexity of social interactions, the relevance of historical processes, and the characteristics of each society in understanding economic growth and development. The paper suggested focusing on social foundations as an alternative to microfoundations that is particularly relevant for studying economic development processes. It proposes framing the post-Keynesian view of demand-led growth and distribution-led growth within a conceptual framework of socio-economic development as a valid approach, consistent with social foundations, to understand a phenomenon as complex and multi-causal as development.


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How to Cite

Marmissolle, P. (2024). Society matters: A post-Keynesian approach to economic development. PSL Quarterly Review, 77(310), 351–369.



Special issue on structural change, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability: new perspectives and policies in economic development