Mitigating climate impacts incentives: An analysis of green investments in South America
climate change, South America, directed investments, network, investment flowsAbstract
The vulnerability of countries related to climate change is driven by different conditions, with geographical location and lack of adequate infrastructure making South America especially vulnerable. Research highlights the importance of South American forests in mitigating climate change. The increasing frequency of climate events calls for preventive attitudes, focusing on sustainable financing. Developed countries have a particular responsibility to support developing countries in addressing the impacts of climate change. A recent study highlights the importance of foreign investment flows in BRICS countries. The article aims to compare the flows of foreign investments between different countries in South America in 2010, 2015, and 2020, using the theory of economic social networks to explore the financial relationships between them. The results indicate interesting changes in the flow of green investments for climate change mitigation, especially in South American countries.
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