Rules, instability and crisis
rules, instability, crisisAbstract
This special issue of the PSL Quarterly Review includes some articles which appeared over the years in the first series of our journal (then entitled BNL Quarterly Review: see Roncaglia 2008). The articles published here have been selected among those that can help us to best understand the roots of the current economic crisis and the problems that may compromise our efforts to overcome it, or even worse, may generate yet further difficulties. Our journal is starting a new life, as from 2010 returning to its old quarterly schedule. With this special issue, we wish to illustrate certain aspects of its traditional approach that we mean to retain in the new series.
JEL Codes: F3, G1, N1, B5
BOYER R. (2009), "Feu le régime d'accumulation tiré par la finance," Revue de la régulation, n. 5.
GODLEY W. and IZURIETA A. (2009), "The US economy: weaknesses of the 'strong' recovery", PSL Quarterly Review, vol.62, pp. 248-251.
HICKS J. (1937), "Mr. Keynes and the classics: a suggested interpretation" Econometrica, vol. 5, pp. 147-59.
KEYNES J.M. (1936), The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Macmillan, London.
KEYNES J.M. (1936), The General Theory of Employment, Collected writings, vol. 7, Macmillan, London 1973.
KINDLEBERGER C.P. (2009), "Asset inflation and monetary policy" PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 62, pp. 248-251.
KINDLEBERGER C.P. (2009), "The 1930s and the 1980s: Parallels and Differences" PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 62, pp. 248-251.
KINDLEBERGER C.P. (1978), Manias, Panics and Crashes. A History of Financial Crisis, New York, Basic Books.
MINSKY H.P. (2009), "Beginnings", PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 62, pp. 248-251.
MINSKY H.P. (1975), John Maynard Keynes, New York, Columbia University Press.
MINSKY H.P. (1982), Can 'it' happen again? Essays on instability and finance, (N.Y),.Sharpe, Armonk.
REATI A. and TOPOROWSKI J. (2009), "An economic policy for the fifth long wave," PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 62, pp. 248-251.
RONCAGLIA A. (2010), Economisti che sbagliano, Roma-Bari, Laterza.
TONVERONACHI M. (2009), "Structural biases in prudential regulation of banks," PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 62, pp. 248-251.
TONVERONACHI M. (2009), "Implications of Basel II for financial stability. Clouds are darker for developing countries," PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 62, pp. 248-251.
VOLCKER P.A. (2009), "Globalization, Stability and the Financial Markets," PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 62, pp. 248-251.
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