German-speaking economists in British exile 1933-1945
Economics, EconomistsAbstract
The paper deals with the contributions by German-speaking economists in the UK during the Nazi period. It first gives an overview on the emigration of economistsfrom Germany and Austria and the subgroup who came to Britain. Adolph Lowe's reflections on contemporary Britain, liberty, and economics and sociology are then discussed as an example how exile and acculturation have influenced topics and methodology of emigre scholars. The Oxford Institute of Statistics, with Jacob Marschak as the founding director, in the late 1930s and early 1940s became an important place where emigre economists from Central Europe played a decisive role. The paper then deals with die important contributions of emigre scholars to the new sub-discipline development economics before, finally, the role of exiled economists as analysts of the German war economy is discussed.
JEL Codes: A11, B20, B30
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