La strategia italiana per i Balcani: nuovi strumenti per nuovi scenari
Balcani, Politica balcanica dell’Italia, Allargamento dell’UE, Accordi di cooperazione, Legge 84/2001Abstract
ABSTRACT - Historically, for the security, geopolitical and economic issues the Balkan region represents a geo-strategic priority in Italian foreign politics. In particular, in the last years, Italy has been strongly active for the reconstruction, the development and the stabilization of the area in the fields of humanitarian aid, security and defence, institution building, rule of law, infrastructure, and economic cooperation. In spite of remarkable efforts, more recently Italy is lacking in the results and benefits from its commitment, while is losing the ground in comparison with other European Countries, as potential competitors in the above-mentioned fields. Consequently, there’s an urgent need to find a more adequate and overall strategic approach towards the region, also considering the process of progressive integration of the Balkan Countries into the European Union and Nato. At the moment the main instrument at disposal of the Italian Government is represented by the Law no. 84 of 21 March 2001 regarding “Provisions governing Italy’s participation in the stabilisation, reconstruction and development of the Countries in the Balkans area”, also for the purposes of coordinating Italian intervention with the initiatives of the European Union and those undertaken on a multilateral basis. In the context of the implementation phase of the Law, the instituted Committee of Ministers – assisted by the technicaloperational Unit for the Balkans instituted at the Office of the Prime Minister and coordinated by the Special Representative of the Prime Minister – has individuated the guidelines and strategic policies, as well as priorities by geographic areas and sector –, for the coordinated implementation of development cooperation and corporate promotion and assistance operations carried on by the Ministry of Foreign affairs, the Ministry of International trade, the regional governments and local authorities. In spite of the relevant results undertaken since its application in January 2002, the original guidelines and strategic policies, as well as the priorities by geographic areas and sector, shall be now updated – considering the new political, social and economic asset of the Balkan Countries –, for a new programme of initiatives to be financed with additional funds. RÉSUMÉ - Pour des raisons politiques, économiques et de sécurité la région des Balkans a toujours constitué une priorité géostratégique pour la politique étrangère italienne. Partant, dans le nouvel scénario ouvert par la fin de la guerre froide, l’Italie a participé très activement aux opérations de reconstruction, de développement et de stabilisation de cette ragion par des initiatives soit bilatérales que multilatérales. Aujourd’hui, à cause du fait que d’autres Pays concourent au même but, son engagement doit être continué et amélioré pour que les résultats de ses efforts ne profitent pas à d’autres. L’Auteur expose le contenu de la Loi n. 84 du 21 Mars 2001, qui représente l’instrument juridique dont dispose l’action italienne dans les Balkans, il décrit l’application qui en a été faite à partir de Janvier 2002 et recommande des mesures qui pourraient être prises, en renouvelant son financement, pour rendre plus satisfaisants ses effets.Downloads
How to Cite
Balkan, .-. (2008). La strategia italiana per i Balcani: nuovi strumenti per nuovi scenari. Rivista Di Studi Politici Internazionali, 74(4), 497–504. Retrieved from