La navigazione impossibile. Lettura di Seneca, De otio 8
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Seneca, De otio, Hannibal, Aristotle, Socrates, shipwreck metaphorAbstract
This paper offers a close reading of Seneca’s De otio 8, providing some evidence for the theory according to which it would represent the ending of the dialogue: it summons and deepens several motifs hinted at in the previous chapters; it alludes to the opening of Cicero’s De re publica; it deals with the shipwreck metaphor, a seminal image in Seneca’s prose works. Furthermore, the quoted historical examples – Socrates, Aristoteles and Hannibal, unjustly prosecuted by their own fellow citizens – may suggest a political reading of the passage, in the light of a self-defence.##submission.downloads##
Come citare
Berno, F. R. (2024). La navigazione impossibile. Lettura di Seneca, De otio 8. Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 4, 233–258.
Sezione monografica
Copyright (c) 2024 Francesca Romana Berno

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