Supervision as a tool to promote recovery: a case study in a Day Care Center


  • Barbara Cordella Sapienza Università di Roma
  • Anna Correale Sapienza Università di Roma
  • Fabio Massimo Candidi ASL RM1. Adult Daily Mental Health Service Pasquariello



Recovery, subjectivity, interdependence, supervision, coexistence


The paper explores the recovery approach in relation to the wider debate on the concept of health. The recovery imply a psychological approach focused on the relational system in order to improve the health and the wellbeing of the whole system, instead of focusing on the individual therapy of the person with mental disability. In the Adult Day Care Center for mental disability all the actors involved, professionals and users, set the system of relationships according to their specific needs, requests and resources. The supervision is a relevant tool in the recovery approach as it allows to work with professionals in order to improve the whole system wellbeing. The supervision allows the professionals in making sense of their professionals relationship with users with mental disability. According to this a case study is reported. In order to highlight the principals of the supervision in the recovery approach. The case study explain the process of supervision that has been carried out in an Adult Day Care Center for people with mental disability of Rome . It highlights the factors improving the development of the system involving both professionals and users.





