The protection of “abnormal childhood”: The Italian debate in the journal Infanzia Anormale [Abnormal Childhood] in the 1920s
medical-psycho-pedagogical approach, childhood, mental disorders, Italy.Abstract
The goal of this work is to bring out the Italian debate developed in the 1920s that led to the recognition of psychopathology in the age of development, ensuring the right to the protection whose in past were called abnormal children. This research aims to fill the gap that is found in secondary literature on the topic. The article analyzes one of the most important journals “Infanzia Anormale” [Abnormal Childhood] of the early 20th century in Italy dedicated to the study of psychopathology in childhood highlighting the debate of psychiatrists and psychologists of the time that contributed to the development of scientific approach that has promoted the taking in charge of children with mental disorders. The approach emerged is the medical-psycho-pedagogical one, with a integrate perspective, outlining the development of what is today called a bio-psycho-social approach for the construction of child care in a multidisciplinary framework.Downloads
Copyright (c) 2019 Giorgia Morgese, Ester Acito, Giovanni Pietro Lombardo

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