Gestos de Subversão. Estratégias de significação e afecto no Experimentalismo poético


  • Diogo Marques Universidade de Coimbra



The present article proposes a reflection on the much discussed theme of the “neobaroque” in experimental literature. Drawing attention to the presence of baroque influence in the literary art of Italian Futurists and Experimental Portuguese Poets, I argue that, if cybernetic poetry is to be seen as a continuation of Experimentalism, its growing emphasis on gesture and touch should be analysed in accordance with theories pointing to the presence of a gestural dimension in the baroque and, as a consequence, in historical avant-garde movements. Particular emphasis will be given to the theoretical writings of Italian Futurist Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and Experimental Portuguese Poet Ana Hatherly, two vanguard exponents whose artistic works were directly concerned with the tactile/haptic dimension of arts.



How to Cite

Marques, D. (2017). Gestos de Subversão. Estratégias de significação e afecto no Experimentalismo poético. Status Quaestionis, (10).