Introduzione all’archeologia del paesaggio. Geografia cosmica, simulazioni geomatiche, ricostruzioni potenziali e ipersuperfici neurali


  • Marco Ramazzotti Università di Roma "Sapienza"



Landscape Archaeology has nowadays a specific epistemic position in the field of Digital Humanities and is going to be a strong autonomous discipline among the so-called Sciences of Antiquities. The epistemic autonomy of Landscape Archaeology depends essentially by the synthesization of spatial-temporal categories needed by the ecotope, here intended also as an empiric context able to be simulated through computational models. Since the synthesis of spatial-temporal categories is an artificial translation of both natural and anthropic landscapes which is essential to explore the morphological and technical relationships between habitat and biome, it seems also interesting, in this context, to follow some historiographical routes of this translation and to record the distance between modern geography and the mythopoeic, cognitive (or pre-technocratic) perceptions of space and time dimensions.



How to Cite

Ramazzotti, M. (2017). Introduzione all’archeologia del paesaggio. Geografia cosmica, simulazioni geomatiche, ricostruzioni potenziali e ipersuperfici neurali. Status Quaestionis, (10).