Effetti di profondità e illusioni olografiche. Letteratura, teoria e borderline dopo il sospetto


  • Carlo Tirinanzi De Medici Università di Pisa


This paper observes a transformation in the hermeneutic approach to literature, which today seems based on the refusal of the ambiguity of literary texts and of the very mediations used by twentieth-century literary theories to resolve such ambiguity. The new approach is defined “holographic” because the information is seen as fully available on the text’s surface, while the classic “school of suspect” as well as the classical allegorical hermeneutics, postulated a verticality of interpretation. To confirm such a hypothesis, I look at the contemporary narrative production and at the main contemporary literary theories (philology, cognitivist studies, identity studies). In the conclusions I propose to link such a holographic approach to hermeneutics, in particular for its refusal of ambiguity, to recent mass psychology hypotheses about a borderline condition of contemporary Western society.



How to Cite

Carlo Tirinanzi De Medici. (2024). Effetti di profondità e illusioni olografiche. Letteratura, teoria e borderline dopo il sospetto. Status Quaestionis, (26). Retrieved from https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/status_quaestionis/article/view/18806