Letter writing in Renaissance England: 2000-2011. A review of the most important studies published since 2000


  • Sonia De Angelis "Sapienza" Università di Roma




The aim of this review essay is to investigate the most influential studies published in the last decade concerning letter writing in Renaissance England. This field emerged in the last few decades of the 20th  century, but in recent years scholars have significantly broadened and deepened established issues, while pushing the field in new directions. The studies reviewed hereafter chronicle the energy and variety of the latest critical debates on the English Renaissance and focus on three groups of issues: the historical and cultural phenomena giving rise to a proper culture of epistolarity in Renaissance England, the linguistic and pragmatic aspects of early modern epistolary practices, and early modern women’s letter writing. This review does not follow a chronological order but rather a thematic one.

How to Cite

De Angelis, S. (2012). Letter writing in Renaissance England: 2000-2011. A review of the most important studies published since 2000. Status Quaestionis, (1). https://doi.org/10.13133/2239-1983/9634



Critical Overviews