
  • A.J. Solomon Raju Andhra University
  • J. Radhakrishna




Hedyotis brachiata, distyly, herkogamy, honey bees, lycaenid butterflies, anemochory, barochory, ombrochory and hydrochory


Hedyotis brachiata presents a phenology that concentrates vegetative growth and reproduction during rainy and winter season. In this study, we investigated floral morphology, floral biology, pollination, pollinators, fruit and seed dispersal aspects.  It is an annual herb that grows in open, sandy soilsIt is distylous, herkogamous and self-compatible. The pin and thrum plants produce high natural fruit and seed set, but it is highest in thrum plants. Autonomous selfing occurs in thrum flowers while it is precluded in pin flowers, however, selfing occurs due to the foraging activity of thrips. The plant is pollinated by honey bees and lycaenid butterflies. Other insects also pollinate the plant but they are occasional foragers. The plant produces multi-seeded capsules which mature within three weeks. Fruit is a non-fleshy erect and cup-like capsule which dehisces septicidally. The seed dispersal modes include anemochory, barochory, ombrochory and hydrochory. The seeds are dormant, germinate and produce new plants seasonally.  Therefore, the study substantiates that this plant is evolved to complete its entire life cycle seasonally.

Author Biography

A.J. Solomon Raju, Andhra University

Dr. Aluri Jacob Solomon Raju is a Professor of Environmental Sciences in Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. He was the Head of the Department during 2009-2012. He is currently the Chairman, Board of Studies of the Department. Further, he is a member of Academic Senate of the Andhra University. He was the Visiting Professor of University of Colima, Mexico. He was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Akron, USA for a period of two years. He has published more than 300 research papers, participated and presented scores of research papers at more than 75 national and more than 50 International conferences held in India and abroad.  He visited USA, Canada, UK, Brazil, Paraguay, Italy, Mexico, France, Germany, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Ethiopia and Tanzania. In recognition of his superior record of scholarship, he was awarded Distinguished Achievement Award by the University of Akron, USA. He is also the recipient of Best Research Award and Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Best Academician Award of Andhra University, Loyola Environmental Award from Loyola College, Chennai and Andhra Pradesh Scientist Award from Andhra Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. He successfully completed a number of major research projects on the Eastern Ghats Forests funded by ICAR, UGC, DST, CSIR, DBT and MoEF. He has been awarded UGC-BSR Grant for distinguished achievements in his research field. He has also worked on biodiesel plants such as Pongamia and Jatropha and work on these plants laid foundation for others to initiate work in commercial lines.  He has also published ten books on various subjects published by national and international publishers. Twenty five Ph.Ds and 10 M.Phils were awarded under his guidance. Further, he is currently serving as a resource person for All India Radio, TV Channels, Consultant for issues relating to environment. Further, he is currently operating a DST Project on the reproductive biology keystone plant species. He is an expert-cum-reviewer for scores of scientific journals published by Elsevier, Springer publishers, Indian Publishers, US Publishers and African Publishers. He is the Chief Editor of Advances in Pollen-Spore Research and Journal of Palynology. He is the Expert member of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India in sanctioning the research projects.  




How to Cite

Solomon Raju, A., & Radhakrishna, J. (2018). POLLINATION ECOLOGY OF THE ANNUAL HERB, HEDYOTIS BRACHIATA (RUBIACEAE). Annali Di Botanica, 8, 9–16. https://doi.org/10.4462/annbotrm-13847



Research Articles