I sistemi locali del credito in regioni a diverso stadio di sviluppo (Local credit systems in regions with different stages of development)
https://doi.org/10.13133/2037-3651/11033Parole chiave:
Italian financial system, Regional development, Local creditAbstract
The analysis of the territorial articulation of the Italian financial system and its interaction with the different levels of economic development between regions, long overdue, has finally had a significant boost in recent years. The growing interest in this area is largely due to two reasons: the planning of the european monetary union and the reform of the banking system. These transformations have both put emphasis on the territorial problems of impact and adaptation in the presence of strong regional differences in levels of development. In this paper attention is paid to the banking systems of two peripheral regions that are at a different stage of development: Sardinia and Marche. What is of greatest interest, in the light of the available documentation, is in what way and to what extent the local credit markets are inserted in the new configuration that is emerging in the Italian financial system and, in this rapidly changing context, what are the gaps to be bridged, the resistances to be overcome, and the optimal connections to focus on.
JEL: E51, H81
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