Dinamica dell'investimento in Italia. (The dynamics of investment in Italy, 1951-1967)
https://doi.org/10.13133/2037-3651/12506Parole chiave:
Investment, Italy, growth, policy, trendsAbstract
The article examines the overall trend of investment in Italy from 1951 onward in relation to the trend of the other parameters of the country’s economic growth, to the targets set out in the National Economic Development Plan 1966-1970, and to financing problems. In order to evaluate investment trends, the author analyses the main economic aggregates: Net National Product, depreciation, Gross National Product, imports and exports, total resources, and expenditure in consumption and investment. Taking into consideration the growth in population, in the years from 1951 to 1967 GNP increased at an average annual rate of 4.7 percent. This rate is relatively high compared with those of the country’s other historical periods and other comparable countries.
JEL: E22, E61
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