Livelli comparati di produttività nei paesi sviluppati. (Comparative productivity levels in the developed countries)
DOI: chiave:
Productivity, relative productivity levels, comparisonsAbstract
In the past decade the concern with economic growth has been so great that the empirical study of productivity levels has been relatively neglected. Estimates of the present standing of different countries must therefore rely mainly on extrapolations of work done a decade ago. One reason why this field has been neglected is that the O.E.E.C explored the subject of real G.N.P. levels pretty thoroughly in studies published from 1954 to 1959 and these still provide a reasonably firm basis for extrapolation. The present work uses such studies in order to estimate the relative productivity levels in 1965 of 8 West European countries, Japan, the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.
JEL: O47, O57
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