About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Moneta e Credito is a quarterly open-access electronic journal that provides an open forum for debate on economics and economic policy.

Moneta e Credito is a pluralist journal: it welcomes contributions in all fields and from all the schools and research paradigms of economics, without any discrimination. All submissions are subject to peer review, based on two criteria: their method should be rigorous, and their contents should be relevant. Both criteria must be fulfilled for acceptance for publication.

The editors of Moneta e Credito hold a negative view of several practices of contemporary academic publishing, especially in economics. Thus, while we welcome replication studies, we strongly discourage the submission of mere econometric exercises or of articles aimed at displaying technical prowess per se. Authors are invited to clearly highlight the relevance of their work for economic analysis and/or economic policy.

Differently from other economic journals, Moneta e Credito strives for relevance and topicality of its published articles. For this reason, we aim at the highest speed of review for all submissions (normally decided upon within one month) and subsequent publication of the accepted contributions; for the same reason, we do not seek to accumulate and maintain a substantial backlog of forthcoming articles accepted for publication. 

Furthermore, Moneta e Credito embraces a fast-track preferential policy towards young scholars (within 5 years from the Ph.D.), whose articles are always published in the first issue after receipt of the final proofs.

Founded in 1948, Moneta e Credito was owned by the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro until 2007. Today it is published and owned by the Economia civile association, which publishes it in cooperation with the Department of Statistics of Sapienza University of Rome, with the financial contribution of the BNP Paribas group. A history of the journal (in Italian) is available here; while the complete archive of all articles published since 1948 can be found here.

All articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non commercial - No derivates 4.0 International license

Peer Review Process

Moneta e Credito accepts submissions at any time of the year; there are no submission charges and no processing or publication charges.

Final decisions will be notified to the corresponding author within 30 days; in exceptional cases the review process may last longer, in which cases the authors are welcome to write to the editor for further information.

Authors are invited to attach a presentation letter to their submission, stating what is the innovative content of the proposed article and why it is of interest to the journal’s readers. Moneta e Credito welcomes proposals for special issues and conference proceedings as well: conference organisers are invited to send a short note (of maximum three pages), describing the content and scope of the proposed issue, briefly summarising the single contributions to be included in it, and stating the relevance of the topic and of the major contributions for the advancement of science and for the understanding of modern economies and societies.

Under no condition will the journal consider submissions of published material or articles under review elsewhere, except for working papers and earlier versions published in conference proceedings.

All submissions are subject to peer review. However, before sending the manuscript to external referees, the editor or a member of the board will proceed with a general assessment of the manuscript in view of the aims and scope of the journal: the editor may then reject the paper without further review, with the aim of saving both the referees’ and the authors’ time. Based on the referees’ reports (normally two) the editor may take one of the following decisions: accept; reject; accept subject to minor or major changes; revise and resubmit. Moneta e Credito occasionally publishes articles commissioned by the Editor or a member of the Editorial Board, but these contributions will be refereed as any other unsolicited paper.

Refees’ reports are always forwarded to the corresponding author, who may reply or comment upon them. However, a final decision always rests with the editor. Moneta e Credito does not support the growing trend of sending belated and long referees’ reports, in which the referees almost substitute for the authors. The journal’s referees are rather asked to provide timely short notes, expressing a general assessment of the work, detailing any error, and suggesting ways to improve the paper.

The referees’ identity is confidential; under no condition will Moneta e Credito provide to a third party any information about a submission. 

Code of ethics

The journal subscribes to, and expects all authors to comply with, the state of the art best practices on publication ethics and integrity, as laid out e.g. in the international standards for editors and for authors developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, respectively available here and here.

We support the same high standards as the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity and expect the research published by Moneta e Credito to adhere to the following principles:

- honesty in all aspects of research;

- scrupulous care, completeness and excellence in research practice;

- transparency and open communication;

- respect for all participants and research topics.


Anyone who believes that the research published by Moneta e Credito has not been conducted in line with these Ethical Guidelines may express their concern by sending an e-mail to monetaecreddito@uniroma1.it. The issue will be addressed by following the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity standards, and bringing the issue to the attention of our Steering Committee (“Comitato di direzione”) if necessary.

A non-exhaustive checklist for authors is:


  1. Every article submitted to the review or presented at any conference organised by Economia civile shall report in its first footnote, together with the acknowledgements, the sources of financial support for the research(es) described in the article. 
  2. Each author shall identify and list in the same first footnote any interested party from which he or she received financial support including as a remuneration, consultancy fees, grants and the like, summing to at least 10,000€ in the last three years. An “interested” party is any individual, group, or organization that has a financial, ideological, or political stake related to the article. The disclosure requirement also includes in-kind support, such as providing access to data. If the support in question comes with a non-disclosure obligation, that fact should be stated, along with as much information as the obligation permits. 
  3. Each author should disclose any paid or unpaid positions as consultant, employee, officer, director, or board member of any relevant nonprofit organization or profit-making entity. A “relevant” organization or entity is one whose policy positions, goals, or financial interests relate to the article. 
  4. Each author must disclose if another party had the right to review the paper prior to its circulation.
  5. The disclosures required above apply to any close relative or partner of any author. 
  6. We'll never be accomplices to censorship and plagiarism. Moneta e Credito published by the association Economia Civile, is closely supervised by Sapienza University of Rome which, as a world leading institution in research and teaching, is fully committed to the principle and promotion of freedom of speech and expression and the protection of copyright in line with the principles established by the Italian Constitution (art. 21, art, 33).
  7. We support transparency and access to data, codes and other materials associated with research, and encourage authors to provide materials in online appendix that we publish separately. We expect authors to maintain accurate records of supporting evidence necessary to enable others to understand, verify, and replicate new discoveries, and to make them accessible upon reasonable request.


More information are available here


Codice Etico


La rivista concorda con, e si attende che gli autori rispettino, le buone pratiche internazionali in ambito di etica nelle pubblicazioni, come definite ad es. negli “International standards for editors” e quelli “for authors” sviluppati alla 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, rispettivamente disponibili qui e qui

Sosteniamo gli stessi standard elevati della 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity e ci aspettiamo che le ricerche pubblicate da Moneta e Credito si attengano ai seguenti principi:

- l'onestà in tutti gli aspetti della ricerca;

- la cura scrupolosa, la completezza e l'eccellenza nella pratica della ricerca;

- la trasparenza e la comunicazione aperta;

- il rispetto per tutti i partecipanti e gli argomenti di ricerca.


Chiunque ritenga che le ricerche pubblicate da Moneta e Credito non siano state condotte in linea con le presenti linee guida potrà esprimere il proprio disappunto inviando un'e-mail a monetaecreddito@uniroma1.it. Il problema sarà affrontato seguendo gli standard della 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, e portando la questione all’attenzione del nostro Comitato di Direzione, se necessario.

Un elenco non esaustivo di norme etiche è il seguente.


  1. Ogni articolo proposto alla rivista o presentato a convegni o conferenze organizzati da Economia civile deve riportare nella prima nota a pi+ di pagina, assieme agli eventuali ringraziamenti, tutte le fonti di supporto finanziario alla/e ricerca/e utilizzata/e nell'articolo. 
  2. Ogni autore e coautore deve indicare, sempre nella prima nota a piè di pagina, qualsiasi soggetto direttamente o indirettamente interessato alla ricerca svolta, da cui abbia ricevuto supporto finanziario (ad esempio sotto forma di remunerazione, retribuzione, corrispettivo di beni o servizi forniti, erogazioni o altro) per almeno 10.000€ nei tre anni precedenti. Per direttamente o indirettamente interessato si intende qui qualsiasi individuo, gruppo o organizzazione che abbia un interesse economico, ideologico o politico rispetto ai contenuti dell'articolo. L'obbligo di comunicazione riguarda anche la fornitura di supporto in natura (ad esempio, l'accesso a dati o informazioni riservate). Se tale supporto è o è stato condizionato a clausole di riservatezza, questo deve essere riportato, assieme a qualsiasi informazione sia possibile fornire compatibilmente con tali clausole.
  3. Ogni autore deve comunicare qualsiasi ruolo o posizione ricoperta, retribuita o no, come consulente, dipendente, funzionario, dirigente o membro di consigli o organi di qualsiasi società o ente no profit rilevante, nel senso di enti o organizzazioni le cui finalità, posizioni, o interessi riguardino aspetti trattati nell'articolo. 
  4. Ogni autore deve comunicare se terze parti hanno o hanno avuto il diritto di consultare l'articolo prima della sua circolazione.
  5. Gli stessi obblighi di comunicazione di cui ai punti precedenti si applicano a parenti prossimi e partner di ogni autore.
  6. Non saremo mai complici della censura e del plagio. Moneta e Credito edita dall'associazione Economia Civile, è strettamente supervisionata dall'Università La Sapienza di Roma che, in qualità di istituzione leader mondiale nella ricerca e nell'insegnamento, è pienamente impegnata nel principio e nella promozione della libertà di parola e di espressione e di tutela del diritto d'autore in linea con i principi stabiliti dalla Costituzione Italiana (art. 21, art. 33).
  7. Sosteniamo la trasparenza e l'accesso ai dati, ai codici e ad altri materiali associati alla ricerca. Ci aspettiamo che gli autori conservino registrazioni accurate delle prove di supporto necessarie per consentire ad altri di comprendere, verificare e replicare le nuove scoperte, e di renderli accessibili a seguito di richieste ragionevoli.


Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili anche sul sito di PSL Quarterly Review, la rivista pubblicata in lingua inglese dall'associazione Economia civile, qui.


Sources of Support