Tasso di crescita naturale e crescita cumulativa nelle regioni italiane


  • Daria Ciriaci




Tasso crescita, regioni, Italia


The aim of this paper is to estimate the sensitivity of the natural rate of growth to the actual rate of growth for the Italian regions over the period 1980-2003. To do this, a panel approach based on the methodology proposed  by Leon-Ledesma and Thirdwall has been proposed. The results support the idea that the natural rate of growth depends on the actual rate of growth: the rate of output growth necessary to keep the percentage level of unemployment constant rises in boom periods and falls in recessions. Moreover, the influence of aggregate demand on potential growth is different in the two main Italian macro areas (Centre-Northern and Southern Italy). In particular, given the lower participation of the labour force and higher reserves of labour in general, the sensitivity of the natural rate of growth to the actual rate of growth is higher in Southern Italy where, besides, the results suggest the presence of structural unemployment.



JEL Codes: O40; R230; E10



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