Prezzi dei manufatti importanti e prezzi dell'output: il caso dell'Italia





Exchange rate pass-through, Pricing policies, Italy, Pricing to market


As emphasised by the theoretical literature on pricing to market, in general, the magnitude of the exchange rate pass-through depends on the structural conditions of the economy, and may not be full in the long run. The aim of this paper is to analyse this relationship from an empirical point of view, with reference to the Italian case. The field in question is that of industrial transformation, for which there is a set of complete and reliable indicators. The authors first specify a model in which, even in the long run, the prices of imports and output set by domestic producers both domestically and abroad are determined simultaneously. On the basis of this long-term scheme, a more complex short-term dynamic is modelled, with a particular focus on identifying of some specific factors that affect the pricing policies of companies. The results confirm some aspects of those found in previous works. 



JEL Codes: E31

Keywords: Exchange rate pass-through, Pricing policies, Italy, Pricing to market


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