Which Marx? A discussion from a re-reading of Marx and the classical economists by Pierangelo Garegnani
Sraffa, Marx, Garegnani, Classical approachAbstract
In Marx and the Classical Economists (Garegnani 1981, p. 113), Garegnani states: “a revival of the Classical economists’ theoretical approach cannot […] take place but starting from the highest point of development which such an approach received in the past: the point which was reached with Marx”. The aim of the paper is to discuss some aspects of Marx’s thought that can be deduced following Garegnani’s interpretation and which have, as a starting point, the analytical core common to the classical economists: i.e., the relations between production prices and distributional variables analysed in Sraffa’s Production of Commodity by Means of Commodities. Some theoretical aspects are highlighted with the aim of constructing a materialist philosophy that can integrate the abstract economic studies. For this purpose, we recall Gramsci’s notes and Andrea Ginzburg’s subsequent reflections and we try to trace a continuity of thoughts between the authors discussed.
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