State, Market, Freedom and Social Justice: The Relevance of Ernesto Rossi’s Economic Thought


  • Marcella Corsi



Ernesto Rossi, Paolo Sylos Labini, miseria, economia civile


The article summarizes a contribution to the debate on Ernesto Rossi as economist, in the context of an event promoted by the Rossi-Salvemini Foundation and the Economia Civile Association in February 2022 (whose aims are recalled in the Introduction). The main aim is to highlight the similarities in thought between Ernesto Rossi and Paolo Sylos Labini in the context of the fight against ‘misery’, i.e. in the definition of economic policy instruments aimed at reducing economic inequalities and enhancing the ‘essential services’ to which Rossi devotes ample space in his Abolire la miseria ([1946] 1977).


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Special issue: Ernesto Rossi economist

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