Finanziamento della produzione e "finance motive" in Keynes


  • Stefano Figuera



The paper considers whether the Keynesian "finance motive" discussed in the 1937-39 articles represents a development of Keynes' monetary theory, as well as its connections with the analysis conducted in his previous writ-ings. In this study the financing of production is considered as a development of the Treatise on Money in the overall Keynesian thought. If elements were provided to complete the view of Keynes' theoretical work in the articles published after the General Theory, this development must be seen as strictly connected to the first of Keynes' main works.
The consideration of Keynesian monetary analysis as a whole is also im-portant to understand better the basic role of the banking system. The issu-ing money from the banks is a tool for the start and the development of the productive process and a factor influencing the income distribution.



JEL Codes: B22, E12



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