Perché i generi alimentari sono meno costosi nei paesi (europei) ricchi? (Why Is Food Cheaper in Rich [European] Countries?)


  • Alessandro Podkaminer



Food, Prices


Relative to non-food items, food tends to be cheaper in rich, as compared with poor European countries. This tendency cannot be explained in terms of cost developments or foreign-trade considerations. A positive explanation proposed focuses on demand-income-supply interaction. An analysis of a cross-country price-augmented modification of Engel's Law, econometrically specified, indicates that the relative price of food is related positively to the supply of food items and negatively to that of non-food items. This finding is consistent with "agricultural price scissors", and also casts a different light on the nature of economic development and structural change.



JEL Codes: D12, L11, L66, Q11

Keywords: Food, Prices


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