Tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione, terziarizzazione e nuova divisione del lavoro digitale (Information and Communication Technologies, Tertiarization and the New Digital Division of Labour)


  • Nicola De Liso




Technology, Technologies


The process of tertiarisation of our economies is taking place along with the ever-increasing pervasiveness of information and communication technologies (ICTs). ICTs, in turn, are becoming "convergent" as they share a common basis, namely digital technology. This common basis is becoming so important that it has engendered the need to add a new dimension to the original Smithian idea of the division of labour, i.e. we have to take into account the new forms of the digital division of labour. This work therefore considers the broad process of structural economic dynamics which is engendered by the processes of digitization of our economies, taking the 1960s as a starting point.   



JEL Codes: O33, L86, L80

Keywords: Technology, Technologies


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