Il B2B e il paradigma dei costi di transazione (B2B and the Transaction Costs Paradigm)
Cost, Transaction Costs, TransactionsAbstract
Business to Business (B2B) Internet commerce causes a significant contraction of transaction costs. According to the Coase paradigm, we would thus expect a deverticalization of the industry and broader scope for anonymous market mechanisms. In reality, such expectations are not fully borne out by the facts. When the industrial structure is concentrated the B2Bgenerally loses its independence, and is owned by the firms which most contribute to its development, e.g. the ones able to bring the liquidity to it. The B2B governance mechanism established by these firms gives hierarchical mechanisms a role which they do not usually play in extensive, anonymous markets.
JEL Codes: D23, L86
Keywords: Cost, Transaction Costs, Transactions
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