L'evoluzione della divisione del lavoro in Italia nell’epoca della new economy (The Evolution of Division of Labour in Italy in the New Economy Age)


  • Angelo Siddi




Education, Labor Force, Skill


In this paper STATIS multiway analysis has been applied to investigate the Italian labor force from 1993 to 2001, in order to outline the structure and the dynamics of both demanded skills and education levels. The principal outcomes can be summarized in the following way: the current development of information technology is giving rise to a no uniform and a no one way evolution of labor force within economy sectors and among geographic areas. Instead of bringing about a generalized skill bias, the new technology is bearing a strong polarization between educated worker, not always employed in high skilled occupations, and less educated, often excluded from labor market.  



JEL Codes: J24, L86, J21, J23

Keywords: Education, Labor Force, Skill


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