La diversificazione operativa nelle banche statunitensi.
DOI: chiave:
Commercial banking, United States, financial structure, diversification, congeneric, regulationAbstract
Recent developments in commercial banking in the United States have exerted a profound impact on the financial structure. The present paper focuses on events which led to commercial bank diversification culminating in the formation of the financial congeneric - a bank dominated IBHC. The authors first looks at recent banking history and the factors that shaped a regulatory philosophy tending to restrict diversification and competition within the banking community, leading to the recently passed legislation extending Federal regulation to one-bank holding companies. Some of the more important functionally-related services offered by financial congenerics are then described, apart from the conventional deposit and loan services of commercial banks. Finally, the economic forces that led toward commercial bank diversification into functionally-related areas are examined.
JEL: G21, G28
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