Roots – Reflections on Josef Steindl’s First Article in an Economic Journal
Joseph Steindl, Kurt Rothschild, Business fluctuations, economic growthAbstract
In this article the late Kurt Rothschild comments on Joseph Steindl’s first paper on economic topics, published in the Austrian “Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie” in 1937. The article is a posthumous publication (with minor editorial corrections) of a manuscript presented by the author in September of 1987 at the “Finance, Technical Change and Market Forms in the Accumulation Process” conference organised by the University of Trieste. Throughout his life Steindl has kept a strong interest in a few highly relevant problems which have wide ramifications over the entire sphere of economic theory and policy – i.e. problems of macro-economic and employment stability, of micro-economic and structural aspects of the firm in capitalist societies, and also – though this is not immediately visible – questions concerning the role and development of technology, which did not only affect his writings on stability and enterprise problems but also formed a firm basis for his valuable papers on educational economics and for the industrial case studies which he prepared for the Austrian Institute of Economic Research.
JEL Codes: O40, E32, B31
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