Luigi Spaventa
Luigi Spaventa, Sraffa, theory of capital, theory of distributionAbstract
The paper introduces to the special issue of the journal, dedicated to Luigi Spaventa, former board member and frequent contributor to the journal, Italian MP and minister of the Budget, who recently passed away. While most obituaries and recollections of Spaventa focus on his academic or political activities, the author focuses here on Spaventa's contributions to economic theory, in particular concerning the theory of capital and distribution, growth and dualism in development, international finance and the European Monetary System. His writings published in the old series of the Review (as well as in the sister journal "Moneta e Credito") constitute a by no means negligible part of his output as an economist, on the strength of which he came to occupy a prominent position among Italian economists. Probably, one can find the link between his activity as a researcher and that as public servant in the civic sense, combining sharp critical rationality with a strong public service ethic.
JEL Codes: B32, B24, E12
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