On the reduction of disinflation costs: fixed exchange rates or central bank independence?


  • J. DE HAAN
  • K. KNOT
  • J.E. STURM




Cost management, global banking


Cost management has become a major strategic issue in world banking as revenues become harder to earn and loss provisions erode a large proportion of banks' net interest income. This article summarises a recent, extensive study on cost management in global banking that was conducted by Salomon Brothers and published in October 1993. The study covered 50 major banks in 11 countries.


JEL: E52, E58


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How to Cite

DE HAAN, J., KNOT, K., & STURM, J. (2013). On the reduction of disinflation costs: fixed exchange rates or central bank independence?. PSL Quarterly Review, 46(187). https://doi.org/10.13133/2037-3643/10630


