Szymborska e Milosz. Quale immaginazione metafisica?



Parole chiave:

Wislawa Szymborska, Czeslaw Milosz, metaphysical poetry


The article traces the personal relations between the two Nobel Prize-winning poets, examining, in particular, their mutual writings, including the unpublished correspondence, which began in 1990. In the last part of the essay, the Author dwells on a specific topic of comparison: the imagined “world beyond”, pointing out how Milosz in his poems seeks to depict the “after” of this world, in line with a properly religious imaginative tradition, while Szymborska in some ironic “metaphysical poems” enjoys imagining the “before,” in line with the procedure of science. This specularly opposite perspective on the “beyond”, emerging from poems such as Milosz’s Sense and Szymbor- ska’s Nothingness unseamed itselffor me too, implies an opposing view of the metaphysical sense of our being in the world, which for Milosz will be “decoded” after death, while for Szymborska it is nothing but illusion, as expressed in the paronomastic title ofher poem The séance.






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