Gli studi sulla traduzione della poesia russa in italiano: per un repertorio bibliografico (1964-2023)



Parole chiave:

Russian Poetry Translation, Bibliographic Review, Italian Reception, Translation Methodology, Metrical Analysis


This article consists in a bibliographic review of the studies on the translation of Russian poetry into Italian from 1964 to 2023. It aims at providing a comprehensive overview of this research area, while highlighting gaps in the literature, such as under-researched poets, overlooked translators, and underexplored historical periods. The first section outlines the criteria for selecting relevant studies and explains the rationale behind the chosen timeframe. Following this, the essay identifies the most frequently studied poets, texts, and Italian translators. The third section discusses the critical methodologies and theoretical frameworks predominantly employed, considering both descriptive and prescriptive approaches. Amongst the range of specific questions addressed in this field, the last section focuses on the issue of translating the metrical structure of Russian poetry into Italian, atopic of particular relevance in the research area.






Studi e ricerche