La volontà di una capitale. L’introspezione dell’autorità milanese tra XI e XII secolo


  • Stefano Bernardinello Università degli Studi di Milano Statale

Parole chiave:

Cities History, Capital, Milan, Cultural Power, Political Authority


Between the folds of early Comune age in Italy’s papers, during a period in which the authority established itself in the local milieu, also upper-local hierarchies have been able to strengthen their power. At the top of these constructions could have been many political actors, going from important families of imperial officers to big cities. Between these, Milan has been able to establish its will on a huge area that didn’t cover only its districtus. The article will analyse which may have been the witnesses of this superiority – and they will be searched in the relationships with the ruler and in the status that the city shew in political assemblies. The article will show how Milan’s influence could widen up to that huge territory that at the time was called Lombardia – and that was bigger than the current region. Eventually, the consequences of interactions with the regional territory inside the political space will be highlighted.






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