I limiti del potere: aspettative vs realtà nelle relazioni dei collettori apostolici (XIV secolo)


  • Fabrizio Pagnoni Università degli Studi di Milano Statale

Parole chiave:

Collectors, Papal Tax System, Apostolic Chamber, Accounts, 14th century


The aim of this paper is to make some remarks on the definition of the fiscal apparatus of the Apostolic Chamber during the 14th century. Particular attention will be devoted to the documentation produced by the Collectors: far from being mere financial records, it also represented an important means of communication between the different levels of the papal financial administration. Using these sources, it is therefore possible to reconstruct not only the practices, but also the ongoing tension between the ideal model of bureaucratic management developed by the Apostolic see and the difficulties that the Collectors constantly faced.






Sezione monografica