La centralità della tematica delle res ecclesiae nelle opere dei libellisti di XI secolo: fra elaborazione teorica e azione politica
Parole chiave:
Res Ecclesiae, Simony, Libelli de Lite, 11th Century Reform, Alexander IIAbstract
The so-called 11th century “Reform” is a context in which the operative value of ideological elaborations emerges with particular evidence. In the first part of the article, an attempt has been made to offer a very brief review of examples that could illustrate the centrality of patrimonial arguments - connected to the problem of the correct use of the res ecclesiae- in the writings of some polemicists of the late 11th centuryearly 12th century. The reflections of the reformers and their adversaries on the correct use of the res ecclesiae constituted the basis of polemical strategies useful in the "war of words" that was the Investiturstreit. In the second part, an attempt was made to evaluate the operational effects of these ideological elaborations. In order to do this, the patrimonial management of the diocese of Lucca by Pope Alexander II, Bishop of Lucca from 1057 to 1073, was briefly analysed.##submission.downloads##
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