La Lettonia all’indomani della prima guerra mondiale: dalla conquista della sovranità (1918-1920) alla dottrina Meierovics (1920-1925). Il tentativo di unificazione dell’area baltica nelle corrispondenze di militari e diplomatici italiani
Parole chiave:
Latvia, Baltic question, Italian military sources, Minister MeierovicsAbstract
Between 1918 and 1925, Latvia went through an extremely complex transformation, since it first gained independence, subsequently, and until the end of 1919, it had to engage in a war, in order to preserve its independence, and finally in a complicate management of the achieved peace, primarily in the era of the minister Meierovics. Such turmoil situation was accurately described by Italian military sources, preserved at the Historical Office of the General Staff of the Army, as well as by diplomatic sources, available at the Historical-Diplomatic Archive of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Through these archival documents, many of which are still unpublished, it is possible both to obtain an Italian point of view on the Baltic question, and to analyze the diplomatic strategies, especially those adopted by minister Meierovics, aiming at contain the expansionistic tendencies of the hegemonic powers of the area.##submission.downloads##
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