Insediamenti e supremazia. Strutture, fortezze e araldica a Roma tra X e XIV secolo
Parole chiave:
Rome, Heraldry, aristocracy, X-XIV centuriesAbstract
Since the last quarter of the Thirteenth century in Rome began a slow, but constant, use of Heraldry. If on the one hand, it is likely that the not eminent aristocracy used Heraldry to mark only its lands, on the other side, many iconographic, materials and documentary claims show that the Barons of Rome, large heraldic instrument users, s e t t h i s m a r k everywhere, creating and bordering areas under their social and political influence. The power of a similar political instrument became so obvious that any popular regime, which seized power in Rome in the 14th century, managed to remove it. Thanks to the use of archaeological finds, pictorial chronicles, documents and paintings this article proposes the creation, development and conclusion of the use of Heraldry as a tool for social and topographic control into the hands of the Barones Urbis.##submission.downloads##
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