“Et ibi est basilica sanctae Mariae”
Una proposta di rilettura topografica del Breviarius de Hierosolyma
Parole chiave:
Pilgrimage, Liturgy, Church, Mary, ProbaticaAbstract
The Breviarius de Hierosolyma, albeit brief, represents a treasure of information that provides a schematic image of Jerusalem through the eyes of a pilgrim of the first half of the VI century. Particularly, it will be taken into account the final part of the text, which is nowadays recorded exclusively in the codex Sangallensis 732, where the identification of the complex of Saint Mary of the Probatica and the following stops of the pilgrimage show how it is completed. Moreover, comparison with further written sources, both contemporary and posterior, will be integrated with data from archeological and structural analysis for a better understanding of the belonging context.##submission.downloads##
Sezione monografica
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