L' epitome del De itinere Terre Sancte di Ludolfo di Sudheim
Parole chiave:
Ludolf von Sudheim, Medieval Latin Literature, Medieval Philology, Travel Literature, PilgrimageAbstract
This paper deals with Ludolf von Sudheim’s De itinere Terre Sancte (14th century). De itinere Terre Sancte is the account of the pilgrimage to the Holy Land made by the author between 1336 and 1341. The work survives in various versions, in Latin and Old German, whose mutual connections have not yet been studied. The shortest Latin redaction has survived only through the excerpta of a Cistercian monk of Oldenburg, whom the codices designate as Nicolas de Huda or as Dietmarus de Huda. This article aims to analyze part of the manuscript tradition of the epitome by Nicolas/Dietmarus, which consists of a total of four codices. Two of them were collated in G. A. Neumann’s critical edition of the epitome published in 1884 – the only edition of this work so far. Through a comparison between the text edited by Neumann and the codex Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Helmstedt 702 (14th century), unknown to the editor, an attempt will be made to enrich the picture of historical-philological data relating to the epitome of the De itinere Terre Sancte, waiting for an updated critical edition.##submission.downloads##
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